If you see a folder named _MACOSX, you can delete or ignore it. After extraction is complete, a new folder window will open containing the files inside the ZIP.Click on the button at the top of the page that says "Extract All.".After downloading the file, locate it using the download bar at the bottom of the Google Chrome browser, and click to open the Extraction Tool.You can also locate the file and extract it after downloading from Google Chrome by following these steps: You can choose "My Documents," for example. This is the place where you want to keep the unzipped files. Choose "Extract All" from the menu that opens.Right-click on the unopened ZIP folder.iPhones and iPads will require an additional app.īelow you will find step by step instructions on how to open a ZIP file that you've downloaded from TPT based on the device you're using: Both Windows and Mac OSX are able to unzip ZIP files without additional software. ZIP files need to be unzipped in order to extract the files inside. ZIP files allow Teacher-Authors to provide multiple files in one TPT resource. A ZIP file is a compressed folder that contains multiple files.